Shia and Sunni

June 6, 2008 at 2:08 pm (islam) (, , , , , , )

I have heard so much about shia muslims in the year and a half that I have been muslim. And I have also known a shia muslim for about ten months now. I went to the mosque with her yesterday and witnessed with my own eyes and ears kind of what the shias are all about. I don’t have any problem whatsoever witht hem although I may not agree with some of their practices. It was an enjoyable visit to the mosque and I am glad that I had the opportunity. I don’t like to labe l myself or others and I just have a desire for the whole muslim Ummah to unite as one and have love for one another. It is sad that muslim brothers and siters feel the need to fight against each other when we should be fighting against the common enemy which is the media, trying to bring us down and tread our religion into the mud.

Any one who believes in Allah and the Prophets is my brother or sister and I do not want their blood shed in vain. We all need to open up our hearts and try to understand each other a bit more. And not to dwell on our differences but to unite under our similarities and build bridges from there. I hope that some others out there agree with this. assalamu alaikum to all of you. 

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